Blockers and Impediments impede the flow of value to customers so how might we overcome our biases and resolve these tactically, strategically and cost-effectively?
Browsing CategoryStrategy
How is your Agile model impacting your results?
How could taking a systemic and neuroscience based approach to your Agile ways of working help you create greater impact from your work?
What is an MVP?
Lots of people are confused about what MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) are and they are missing out on saving 000’s or 000,000’s of pounds or dollars by wasting their effort, time and lives! This video…
A New Way To Win
Is your approach to strategy and balancing your change portfolio setting you up for success?
Lean Canvas or Business Model Canvas?
Canvases are a great lightweight way to help align on product goals and to help you ask yourself important questions, so which is right for you?
How Agile is your planning?
How does Agile planning help teams, leaders, and everyone else stay aligned?